Monday 2 May 2016

Lata Kinjang

This waterfall is one of the best known falls in Malaysia, because it can be seen very well from the N-S highway. But many people have never actually visited the fall, because the access road is not straightforward. Coming from KL via the N-S highway, you take the Tapah exit and continue north on the trunk road nr 1. Follow the signboards to Chenderiang. Past this village the road to the falls is clearly indicated. At the end of this raod, there are hawker stalls and you can park your car.
Lata Kinjang is one of the tallest falls of Malaysia. From the highway only the middle part with the huge cascade can be seen. Cement steps bring you to a suspension bridge at the beginning of the main cascade
At the bridge the cemented steps come to an end and so does the easy part of this waterfall. On both sides of the cascade you can climb further up, but the trail is sometimes vague and relentlessly steep. But you get a reward. At the top of the cascade there is a last, vertical fall.
From the top of the cascade the view of the surrounding landscape with deep down the N-S highway, is spectacular.
It is possible to climb up further, to the delapidated pump station, but you must take care, orienteering is not always easy. To go down, you can cross the stream and find your way down. through the neglected rubber plantations. Not easy, this is Orang Asli country, there are numerous vague trails, and take care about traps! If you keep left, going down, you should come across the Lata Yuk. We almost got lost once, so take care.

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authorHello, my name is Sargunan Raman.I'm self-employed. Currently I'm studying in National University of Malaysia.

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