Monday 2 May 2016

Lubuk Timah Fall

Near Simpang Pulai, road to the C.H.

These waterfalls have an interesting background. In the beginning of the 20th century, a dam was built in the Sg Anak Ayer Cina, near Simpang Pulai. The name Lubuk Timah suggest that the water was used for tin mining. The reservoir is completely silted now, and the water spills over the dam at both sides, creating two waterfalls. Access to the falls is from the new Simpang Pulai - C.H. road. Turn left where power lines cross the road. There is a small sign 'Lubuk Timah'.

After less than one km, you are near the river where you can park your car. First you will pass an Air Panas (Hot Springs), surprisingly close to the river. From there it is only a few hundred meter to the dam and the falls. This is a popular weekend destination. You can climb up to the reservoir, which is completely silted.

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authorHello, my name is Sargunan Raman.I'm self-employed. Currently I'm studying in National University of Malaysia.

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