Saturday 30 April 2016

Geruntum Falls




The Ulu Geroh Rafflesia project has a nice waterfall, Damak Fall, as one of its attractions. There is another waterfall in the same region, easily accessible, not far from Kg Geruntum.To reach the fall, you follow the road from Gopeng to Ulu Geroh for about seven km. Take left, just before a river crossing. Follow the road for about three km. You will reach a few stalls, where you can park your car.

When you take the trail inside the jungle, you will soon reach the lower waterfall. To reach the upper tiers, you must cross the stream and climb up at the right side of the fall.

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authorHello, my name is Sargunan Raman.I'm self-employed. Currently I'm studying in National University of Malaysia.

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